I remember saying to a lindz whom I had just met that if there was 110 people here and 10% got the chance that you had to believe that, THAT 10% was US. And hours later it was. We met him. So happy. We were sat on the pavement all chatting, stood up chatting, huddled like penguins chatting, we sat down on the pavement again and I heard a noise that had became familiar to me, what with the crew coming and going, the sound of the door of the tour bus opening.
I rather excitedly and rather loudly said ‘OMG it’s the door’. And our necks all sprung round and in the doorway, laughing, was Brandon. No doubt giggling at what I had said. I don’t care. He makes me happy. Cider girli and I dashed to our feet and over to him. Cider girli held her hand out to him and I held my right hand out and shook his hand. At least that it what I deduce happened. It was all such a blur. I remember holding my hand out. Don’t remember the next bit. I’m assuming Brandon must have been thinking OMG their hands are freezing.
Suddenly people were asking for pics and thought YES! Suddenly I ended up declaring myself ‘the official photographer’. I had two blackberry’s, an iPhone and a couple of cameras thrown at me. Not that I minded. Doing something takes my mind off the fact that Brandon flowers was standing inches from me and my dreams were coming true. I could have easily freaked out.
Then came my turn. I put my arm around him and didn’t want to let go. Not necessarily because it was Brandon flowers, more that he was SOOO warm. I was freezing. He stood, watching intently, as I produced a boots photo wallet and got out a photo I had took at Dublin. Words failed me and I didn’t get the chance to explain that pic. Mostly I just said ‘thanks Brandon for coming out’. I really appreciated it was -4oC and he didn’t have to come out. I appreciated that he appreciated us enough to spend 5 minutes with us. That precious 10%. The irony is that the window on the bus was open and he was probably sitting watching us, listening LOL.
As lindz, cider girli and I walked down the streets of Manchester at 2am I remember saying ‘omg we met Brandon flowers. Now I can die happy’. You weren’t really gonna get much sense out of me.
So many times we all wanted to give up. And my heart really went out to Sarah and Hev, victims I met, fellow penguins, who left 20 minutes before Brandon came out. I have to credit meeting lindz for keeping me there. I wanted to go with them at 1:30am. I wanted to go for a coffee and come back. If I had, I’d have missed him. I fought with not being able to stand the cold Vs not being able to stand missing Brandon. I’m so glad you girls convinced me to stay until 2am. Because at 1:50am it became worth it. I remember for a fleeting minute saying if we’ve waited this long what’s another hour, as we knew the bus was leaving at 3am.
Brandon flowers, has been a constant in my life since 2005 with the killers. He means a hell of a lot to me. It was a total dream come true since I was first a fan. All those years ago.
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