Crap photo from the most amazing night.
New years Eve 2009.
Darren Hayes was on stage.
And from the very back of the room, balanced on the stairs to the sound desk, I stood with friends who mean to world to me.
All of us dressed up to PARTAY.
All of us squashed in and struggling to see.
But I was so FUCKING happy.
Amazing setlist full of songs I NEVER thought I would hear.
It was an emotional and almost out of body experience. I felt a bit like I was like a a stranger looking on, like I had sent someone else in my place.
Then I hung out with friends I adore and we had the most random fun times.
One of the nights I will never forget is when NKOTB came back. I almost didn't get to go to their concert but my oldest son he would buy my ticket if his dad paid him back. I had ok seats, not bad but not to good. Lady Gaga & Natasha Benifield opened for them. I had to go alone but I was so happy to have them back and to see them again after all these years. While we were (my husband and I) pulling out of the driveway, one of the new kid's bus drove right in front of us and he waved at me. :) I was so happy but also wishing it was Donnie That waved at me.