2. Fill My Little World
3. Another Life
4. Never Be Lonely
5. Say No
6. Rose
7. Another Soldier
8. Sewn
9. Searched Every Corner
10. Dance For Lights
11. Love It When You Call
12. I Thought It Was Over
13. Undeniable
When I got to the train station the sun was shining. I could feel that tonight was gonna be a GOOOOOD night. The fun began when I got on the train from Nottingham to Coventry. A NICE train I might add (read: not an east midlands train). I got to Coventry and taxied it to the Travelodge. Which is actually in the middle of a shopping centre/ complex thingy. Still at least it was central. I quickly gave my hair another straighten and headed to the venue. I wanted to be there early so I could actually SEE the band. Damn being 5ft 1. I headed off from the hotel following my geolocation on google maps. Nothing could go wrong…. Erm, yes, well… following live geolocation I got lost. I took a wrong turn somewhere, and then another trying to correct that. But I walked past a gorgeous wetherspoons, and the old cathedral. It was beautiful. I found a bus station and a taxi rank. Only the taxi driver had NO CLUE where the Kasbah was. I got out the geolocation again. We found it; apparently it’s recently been renamed from tick tock. Kinda ironic that the tour is called ‘searched every corner’ HAHA.
There wasn’t that many in the queue so all was good. The people in front of me I recognise from somewhere, it must have been Manchester Apollo years ago. New friends. vodka. Coke. (The new friends are the people from the queue by the way, vodka and coke are OLD friends ;) thanks guys for the good times and the laughs.
The doors eventually opened, via a trip to the pub next door. You had got to be serious, grandpa was minding it and you had no idea what you were gonna get served up for the drink you ordered. All he cared about was the ‘toilets are for customers’ policy. Still it played some lady gaga and the vodka warmed me up. We legged it back as the shutters were going up but it was still a while before they let us in. We bought our searched every corner CDs and I got a spot second row. Great stuff.
It was then I decided to play my favourite game of photograph the setlist and try and read it. I was well impressed when I managed to photograph it taped to a travel crate. It couldn’t read it well on my camera but I was a bit miffed I couldn’t see say no on it. I thought nothing of it; it so would be part of the show…
Peter Lawrie was the support act. There is something so damn HOT looking about him and something magical about his voice. I just loved him from the minute he opened his mouth. The microphone died and he just came to the front of the stage, ducked under the lighting rig and sung. Amazing. The bee gees – to love somebody. And then paul simon - graceland. He re-sang a song called ‘how can I complain’ and a lyric hit me square in the chest. “You wouldn't know joy if you didn’t know pain. So how, can I, complain”. I really wanted to get his CD and say hello but I darn not leave my space.
The feeling came on. I was just so excited. It’s been too long since I seen them. 9 months since the water rats to be exact.
1. Set My World On Fire
I still love this song as much as I did when I first heard it at the water rats. ‘set my world on fire, I don’t care, I don’t care, I love you more every day, WHAT MORE CAN I SAY’.
2. Fill My Little World
Aww an old favourite. Fun times.
3. Another Life
I really loved this one. Not heard it before. It hit me like bricks lyrically.
4. Never Be Lonely
Aww I LOVE this song. And live is just works so well. I adore that moment when Dan holds the mic out to the audience. Why do I always end up in the harmony side? Not only can I not sing, I can’t keep the harmony part going either. I actually done better than I normally do though LOL.
5. Say No
This song grabbed me and moved me as much as the first time at the water rats. I think it’s one of the best songs that they have ever written. Lyrically INCREDIBLE. . ‘That scent you wear hangs like silence in the air’. ‘We all wanna be free but not alone’.
6. Rose
This song will always mean the world to me. It’s one of my favourite feeling songs. Second only to love it when you call. I still remember that night in Manchester in 2008 when I was almost reduced to tears. It’s an amazing song. Dan was just so into it tonight, he looked lost in the moment too.
It was so hot in there, Dan looked like the heat was getting to him but said he was alright, then took his shirt off an left his vest on. Someone shouted ‘now the trousers’ and Dan joked he would if he had any pants on but they were half way through a tour and no one had pants left. LOL.
7. Another Soldier
‘Another soldier, another hit to the heart when I told ya’. Not a fave of mine the water rats but I liked it more the second time round.
8. Sewn
Just love this song. It made me fan. I remember the night I bought the single on itunes. Adored all the little movements to illustrate it. ‘you got my heart in a headlock’.
9. Searched Every Corner
This song has definitely grown on me since 9 months ago. I really like it. ‘back back back back BACK BACK. You used to be mine and I want you back’. Loving its dance feel.
10. Dance For Lights
Not sure about this one yet. Need to hear it more than once. It sounds very disco and reminded me of the bee gees.
11. Love It When You Call
I will always love this song. And I will always go mental when I hear it. I was rocking out to love it when you call. jumping, eyes closed, feeling it. I opened my eyes. Dan was watching me. awkward.
Dan explained that the nightclub was under curfew as they had to get the venue ready for the club night after the show and they only had time for a few more and he asked for feedback from us on twitter and facebook because they love to know what we think… but then joked only if it was ‘positive’ LOL. He said they wanted to play the new songs in small shows to friends that really were big fans before the album launch and big tour later in the year to see how the new stuff works.
12. I Thought It Was Over
A genius song for the encore. ‘I thought it was over, but its not’.
13. Undeniable
I need to hear this one more. This was the second time I’ve heard it and I don’t remember a single thing about it or its sound. Bad fan!
After the show we all got together and had a chat. Was lovely to see old faces again. I went to get pete lawrie’s CD but it was all packed up before I got the chance to buy it. I was gonna get a feeling T-shirt but didn’t have time, I hope they are online at some point.
Meeting the Band.
We went outside to the bus and chatted away. Cold and starving but hanging with friends time seemed to go quicker. To start with anyway. It was lovely chatting to fans I’ve never really met properly or spoken to before. Thanks Darren for the vodka. Certainly warmed me up, if not my hands ;)
Ciaran and Kevin came out first. They were lovely. I was SOOO cold and SOOOO nervous meeting Ciaran. I dunno why. Kevin was just LOVELY. He chatted away and took pics and then said he would go and let the others know we were out there. True to his word, Dan, Rich and Paul left ‘drinking their way through the rider’ and put their coats on just to come and say hello before going back in. They came out just to say hello. What great guys. They thought we were partying inside and had no idea that we were out there.
By now we had been shut out the car park by security but the guys broke free to come and say hi to us. It was kinda dark, My silver pen which I thought was genius to write on the black cover was useless. It takes FOREVER to dry and I smudged lots of it. Disaster… and Dan wrote over Rich’s signature as the cover is black and it was dark out there and he couldn’t see. Never mind. I appreciate their time. I LOVED it.
Paul was lovely. Rich is a total sweetheart. Dan is just AMAZING. He chatted about the new album, new songs, and a few gigs they might be doing and was just lovely. He was very funny and charming and entertaining. ‘stoke tomorrow, better keep our heads down’ LOL. He said they had a few weeks left to finalise the track listing and that the album should be out in the summer, I joked with Dan that may 30 was my birthday and he said he would keep it in mind. Bless him, I was just kidding, (think he was too) but he is way too lovely. Then two guys in glitter skirts walked past us. And Dan, never afraid to be who he is, or make fun of himself and situations, remarked about the "butch guys in their glitter” then mocked the butch walk. Followed by a promise he was saving the glitter for the bigger shows in ‘nicer’ venues. One of the first things I ever loved about Dan was his sense of self and the fact he isn’t afraid to be who he is. And what he is, is an inspiration. I was so happy when I hugged him.
I taxied it back to the hotel (the plus side of the venue being a nightclub is that it had a taxi rank). I needed to sleep but was seriously BUZZING after meeting the guys. I heart you Dan gilseppe sells. Most Amazing night. The feeling are lovely guys. So much fun. Their fans are like a family, and although I’m not as involved as some are, I always feel part of it. What lovely fans they have.
I heard becci mention pete lawrie was playing Manchester so I found his website and it listed a venue change for a Nottingham gig. I HAD TO book a ticket. So I did. Serious fun on the way. Hopefully I can get a cd when I go then :).
13 feb 2011.
I woke up. Pulled the curtains. It was now pissing it down in Coventry. Yesterday was a beautiful night for gig. I got to Coventry train station and I was SOOO excited to see an open WHSmith. Hello food! I haven't seen you since 2pm yesterday! People say bad things about Coventry but the people I’ve encountered are some of the friendliest. Not one was rude. Especially the cabbies. I was still laughing at Dan impersonating the "butch guys & their glitter" that walked past us last night.
I got out my camera and looked through my pics. I tried to read the setlist pic I had took. It turned out that I had managed to photograph what looked like a setlist from 2008. Typical LOL. No wonder I couldn’t see say no on it! Thanks kay for uploading a pic of Coventry’s so I could do my review :).
I just wish I could have gone to more than one show. But I know how lucky I am to have got to one at all, and I had such an amazing night. I feel so lucky to get autographs and pics with all five members of the band.
Bring on the summer lads. Set my world on fire.
Thanks for posting - I am still trying to figure out the name of the ballad Dan sang with Sophie EB at Water Rats last year? The lyrics on the chorus are "Don't know what love is 'til you've had mine" Realllly pretty song.
ReplyDeleteI met Dan once in the music mag aisle of a Borders in America! Very nice and very tiny. And a striking face.
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