It was taken in November 2010. I was ready to go out. my sis fell asleep.
1. I was born in England, Live in England, but for most of my childhood I lived in N. Ireland. I consider myself N. Irish, like my accent.
2.I'm a forensic Science graduate.
3. I love video gaming.
4. I talk WAYYY too much when you know me and am quiet if you don't.
5. My motto is to experience is to truly understand.
6. I don't love bullying, rudeness, inequality.
7. I do love chocolate, sunshine, blogging, my bed.
7. Music is my whole existance.
8. My Favourite author is Tony Parsons.
9. Favourite Quote?: 'Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.' - Darren Hayes
10. I'm obsessed with song lyrics. My every thought I could find you a lyric for.
This photo of me is from 1990/1991 before I moved to Colorado.
1) I go through periods of insomnia, like now for the past few weeks.
2) I daydream a lot. Usually to escape from life's stress
3) I have a water bed. It has it's pluses and minuses.
4) I am allergic to cats and dogs. I still have a cat and had a dog.
5) I love chicken
6) Cheese cake is a big weakness for me
7) Sometimes I wish I could freeze time so I could get more stuff done and even take a nap before moving on with the day
8) I am claustrophobic but can manage it to a certain point
9) I want a transporter
10) Sometimes when I am sleepy, I get silly