I never went to the sixth form prom, I had no confidence and no date.
This is a photo of me from my university graduation ball. The first time in my life I had got to play proper dress up and I loved it. I hated the shoes though. they hated me.
The bar was pretty much out of drink so I ended up drinking cherry vodka alcopops. I don't even like cherry. and the queue was that big a bought two. I get hyper and mischievous when I'm drunk.
This is one of my favourite pics from that night. man I miss my uni girlies. and I miss uni. it was good times. life wasn't easy, but it was so much easier then.
I don't really have any of me at a school dance. I didn't go to either one of my proms. Pretty much for the same reasons. I do have a pic of me and couple of friends at a graduation party that my high school did for the seniors.