I'm a Darren Hayes fan and music is a big part of my life.
This picture was taken at the screening for his Time Machine Tour DVD. Friday 13th June 2008.
I was given little more than 24hrs notice I was going.
As the DVD was about to start all you heard was Darren screaming ‘he’s much better looking in real life’ I nearly died laughing! I was overwhelmed by the sheer use of imagery on the DVD. It looked amazing. I won't ever forget how it felt to sit there and watch it.
It was such a surprise when we got outside of the screening room to discover Darren patiently spending time with anyone who wanted it. A pic, a signature, a hug… he freely gave his time and he just looked so happy. I waited until pretty much everyone has met him and as Tracey called 'is there anyone else?'
I went over and Darren looked so excited to meet us all and as I said hi he threw his arms around me and said ‘hi you alright?’ I calmly said ‘I’m good thanks how are you?’ he said words to the effect of he was good too. For a second it was just like a friend saying hi and giving me a hug. I didn't really comprehend to after the fact that hug was his! He smelt sooo good and I wasn’t expecting a hug, I was kinda taken aback but in a good way. That hug just seemed to go on for ever but at the same time be far too short.
I gave him his card we had all signed. Well see that was where I went wrong. I felt the need to correct the fact not all has signed it, so as I got over excited and talked way too fast and tried to explain I’d passed it around and anyone who wanted to write in it did and some people didn’t want to…. I just stopped. I took a deep breath and put my hand on my chest. Darren looked at me; I think slightly concerned if was getting enough oxygen or else a bit scared of my ramblings on!
I asked if he would sign my promo pic and he said yes. I smiled as he stood and wrote love D on my pic. Then he wrote To Hails and drew a little cartoon of himself and a thought bubble with love hearts. I stood watching him but wasn’t really paying attention to what he was drawing. I’m touched at that little cartoon.
Darren then said ‘we need to get this picture’. I had COMPLETELY forgotten about the pic in the moment and that was the only thing I wanted when I went over! I’ve said to him before online that when I met him I don’t like asking for a pic because I think it might be bothering him. As I put my arm around Darren’s shoulder (like he had mine) and rested my head on his shoulder all that run through my head was 'smile naturally' and how soft his shirt felt. It was that gorgeous fluffy material.
I had met Darren briefly in a pub in leeds after a party in the park in 2007. But this was the first time I had properly met him and got an autograph and a picture. It was a dream come true since I was first a fan of his in 2002 (I did have some SG singles though).
I felt blessed, lucky, priveldiged, shocked, overwhelmed, amazed... all in one. It was an amazing feeling and an amazing day.
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