Darren Hayes new album. Seeing as we don't have artwork yet, this pic from the listening party news will have to do ;)
seriously CAN NOT wait.
It has got to be Lenny. He’s a soft toy lion but a puppet, about an average sized teddy bear and I’ve had him since Christmas 1994. Needless to say his mane is matted to his head, his stuffing is all over the place and he isn’t such a great puppet anyone, his nose is bald and his whiskers missing but he means so much to me.
Kids you know what they are like, you buy them an expensive present and they only play with the cheap one.
It was Christmas 1994. I was 8. Santa had bought me a pink Barbie camper van. Mum and dad bought me this soft toy lion puppet that was on offer with supermarket tokens and then you paid a few pounds towards it.
I remember laying in bed that night asking dad what to call him after he'd finished reading me postman pat. Dad decided he should be called Lenny and I agreed. I still have Lenny today. I still find it hard to sleep without him, I couldn’t live without him. He’s my most treasures possession.
I did play loads with the camper van too, but it never meant as much as Lenny. I don’t know why that xmas is so vivid, I remember my cousins buying me a lion king pjammas case too. Mine was simba but I swapped it with my sis for pumbaa as she didn’t like him.
That year Santa sparked my obsession with collecting old style teddy bears. Santa brought me a gorgeous one and a 1995 teddy bear collection diary. I’ve still got all those presents from that year.
I collect Darren Hayes and Savage Garden memorabilia.
This is a photo of something I bought recently that I just ADORE:
I was looking for a photo I had of all my CDs in the racks but I can’t find it.
I have so much stuff because I’ve been buying stuff since 2002, although I only really started collecting in November 2003.
I mainly collect savage garden and Darren Hayes singles, albums and promos from around the world. I've got a ton of CDs. I love getting that envelope with all the weird and wonderful stamps on. I have whole racks full of singles at home including a signed affirmation (aussie one that had the red cover) signed by both Darren and Daniel at woodys in Aus (where Darren used to work), signed savage garden album, signed spin and signed delicate. (That’s just made me realise the only one I don’t have signed is tension).
because my stuff is at home in Ireland and I live in Nottingham it's hard to keep track of what I’ve got. For my CDs I try and keep a catalogue. All the magazines are in boxes and drawers of my desk.
* All the tour books (dark light signed and BNI signed to me as part of the VIP)
* the BNI VIP sets from both the UK and AUS. (I bought the aus one, didn’t actually go to aus)
* I’ve got a MILLION official t-shirts or there abouts
I cant remember all of them but I have most of them from bni and ttmt. I think I’ve got about 3 from dark light. Got both from side 2. I would LOVE the own the red too close one. I own one white SG from a USA tour in 2000.
* I think I’ve got all the canvas bags there were. One from side 2 and both from NYE.
* I’ve got a few mugs as well. bni, side two and the cartoon one that was on sale on the fc a while ago, along with the keyring and tshirt of the same pattern.
* I’ve got a few calendars, I think I have them all since 2002, not sure.
* I’ve got a ton of magazines that have had features or interviews with Darren in. my favourites being both copies of cream and minx:
"I got thrown out of a karaoke bar once. I was singing Whitney Houston’s I will always love you. I was hitting the high notes but I was taking the piss so they threw me out" - probably the best quote from Darren ever. I still laugh every time that song comes on.
*I’ve got the membership card, pen, keyring and print from when i joined the FC.
* All the savage garden fanzines (cost me a small fortune!)
* All the d-zines
* savage garden stamp thingy
* savage garden fanclub set of postcards and set of magnets.
* VHS video of superstars and cannonballs, the video collection and the story so far.
* backstage access passes for a Savage Garden tour.
* too close for comfort keyring
* badge sets (I think I have a few - bni, ttmt?)
* The water bottle Darren gave us all at the TTMT DVD screening.
* promo DVD for Me, Myself and i
*scrapbooks with all my gig tickets and train tickets and maps and stuff in.
* A a signed print for charity that Darren had very kindly donated.
I’ve got a few bits of unofficial merchandise. I bought a print from the time machine tour of ebay that I’m in love with.
my favourite thing of all is a photo I took at Leeds the day I met Darren in 2007 and on the time machine tour at Manchester that year, he wrote 'to babyhails, love D' on it.
Another thing I treasure is a print of the cover of the time machine tour DVD that Darren signed 'to hails, love D' with a little cartoon on it.
I’ve probably forgot about some of the treasure I have in Ireland. Awww I’ve loved this blog. It’s really made me appreciate all I’m lucky to have.
So I went home to Ireland for 9 days. SOO much fun. This time I was in a really great place. Ready for a new year, new life and fun times. Depression blights my life so much and I won’t let it anymore. I refuse.
I spent my time doing ‘normal’ things. I've discovered that I find it incredibly difficult to be alone. even the things I do to amuse / distract me, read, play a game, watch tv, take pics, is more fun with someone beside you. Even if they aren't a part of it but are just 'there'. In Ireland I have people beside me. In Nottingham it mostly just have me, myself and I for company.
Thursday 6th Jan
shiiiiiiiit! Totally messed up flight time. Meant to be at the airport by now. Thankfully the airport wasn’t busy and I got air-side in time for my flight. Fly home. On a plane that allows airplane mode of on iphone. Take pics of flying over. Adored it.
some people visit places. Others experience them. On the bus home the driver almost gave me a heart attack slamming on the breaks at the red lights but then I seen the tayto lorry and new I was home. For those of you who don’t know what tayto are, they are a brand of crisps made in N. Ireland which I ADORE.
On the bus home the sun was shining. That means Darren Hayes album ‘Spin’ was playing. Sunshine & that album go hand in hand to me. I was so happy right then =). The sun was pouring in through the bus windows, it was gorgeous. I often travel in darkness so it was lovely to see Ireland and sunset on the way home. I felt very blessed.
After dinner it was time to sit down and listen to Darren Hayes Delicate Vol2. I just love coming home to stuff and just.... lovefest. I was just stunned:
track1: beautiful. <3 guitar =" <3.">
track5: a real fave of mine on its album. Just beautiful. That soaring voice. Just stunning. I have no words.
Afterwards I went outside and watched the stars with mum. It’s the one thing I love about Ireland. You can see the stars when you go outside. You can’t see them in Nottingham. Too much smoke and crap from everyone’s city living. The country has all the stars in the night sky. <3.
Friday 7th Jan
Chill out day. Play super New Mario bros on DS. Get angry, and then win.
Still OB.SESSED with Delicate Vol2 and track number 1. It is the best song Darren Hayes has ever written. Fact.
Risk of diva strop. Hairdryer = static hair. straightners useless. Mascara dried up. No time to paint nails. No necklace it's knotted. No bracelet couldn’t get it to fasten and had to dash to get my bus. Hate trying to get ready to go out in Ireland. And o2's 3G in northern Ireland takes the piss. doesn't work. Grrrrrrrrr.
LOVED having a giggle at the trailers. Ashton Kutcher's trailer for his new film ‘No Strings’ came on. I gasped. Totally involuntary reaction and my bestie could have killed me. You could have heard pin drop. He does something to me. Paul Rudd. *swoon* *dies* wants to see 'how do you know'. And in other news Winona ryder has a new film out. they let her out of jail then? LOL.
‘Love and other drugs’. emotional. honest. inspiring.
LOVED it. Amazing film that has a message and an importance. It’s a film about Parkinson’s but it’s also a film about love. And connections. And relationships. It’s the best film I’ve seen in a long time and I so wanna see it again. "you meet 1000s of people who never touch you and then one comes along and changes your life forever". I want someone like that.
After I got home I was still thinking about the film. Thinking about how love can conquer all if you love each other enough. That even if you part you can still make it together in the end. I love someone so much it hurts. Just not meant to be.
Sat 8th Jan.
SHOPPING! Get up at 6am after 3 hours sleep :O.
Get on the bus with the bestie and my mum to Belfast.
Dawn looking over the graveyard. amazing view. Shame couldn't capture it.
We take silly pics of us.
We take pics of sunrise coming into Dungannon. BEAUTIFUL. Sunrise in Ireland with the bestie is a moment so rare and I really appreciated it.
I saw a sign in Belfast. “party. dream. wish. Enjoy” love it. Belfast I heart you. We even saw a paddywagon LOL
Times are a changing in N. Ireland. Times are a changing. I saw a card that was congrats on a civil partnership. It made my heart melt. Because not only was it a beautiful card, it was a sign of change.
Shopping was a great success. I’m sure the bank manager would say too much of a success. We even managed to make it past the chants of JLS! JLS! JLS! They were in waterstones doing a signing. Missed them. Gutted. NOT. Then it was time after all the shopping to sit down and eat what has become a customary dinner on a shopping trip to Belfast. Cinnamon pretzel sticks. YUMMY.
Had an AMAZING time on the bus home. TOTAL randomness with the bestie. Had to put our seatbelts on, the driver was a maniac and weather was BAD. We played Ispy. I had to shut the bestie up from singing ‘She’ll be coming round the mountain’ with lots of ‘shut up there are people on this bus’ LOL. I think mum wanted to disown us both.
When I got home Darren Hayes was in his chat room and it was soooo much fun. I got a new top that just made me go AWWW that we were talking about. Frilly undies anyone? OK so you had to be there. <3>
Sun 9th Jan.
Lazy Sunday in Ireland. <3>
Polar Bear: Spy on the Ice. <3>
I bought pokemon for Nintendo DS yesterday. Brings back so many memories of a decade ago when I spent 146hrs completing it on the gameboy. The new one totally isn’t as good.
I even had time to reveal the new Darren hayes album cover….
Mon 10th Jan.
Spent most of the day chilling with dad and playing New Super Mario bros on my DS whilst he did his crossword and listened to Alex Harvey band. There is one song I love. Can’t place it. I miss my dad’s humour, I never laugh so much as I do with dad. And I miss his cooking.
I’ve stayed up late every night reading graham Norton’s ‘Ask Graham’ book. It’s his agony aunt column with as much bitchiness and wit as help. It’s funny and inspiring.
“Without a little vino in the garden of Eden, the bible would have been a very short book indeed”
“Never lose yourself in someone else because ultimately we are all alone”
Tues 11th Jan.
Time to get to the old VHS videos out and start converting to DVD. I found an old video of The Box music channel's 10 biggest new vidz. Darren Hayes ‘on the verge of something wonderful’ was it was number 3. Silly grin. :D
I also found some wise words from Britney Spears reality TV show with K Fed before she got sick.
Then I had a total iTunes sesh with my fave purchased songs with mum. Loved it.
Wed 12th Jan.
So Enrique’s new video for tonight I’m loving you is number 1 on the box music channel. I guess controversy and sex sell. Especially when mixed together.
I got ready, wearing said new top I bought in Belfast and was in such a really great headspace. I was tired but I felt a million dollars.
It started to rain. I was soaked. I didn’t care. I was so content. so happy. It was just the realisation that I’m 25 this year and this is the one chance I get and if I'm not happy then love won't happen. And you know, I'm ready to let love in. can't hide in my shell forever. Now where is he LOL.
Time to head off to the cinema. This time it’s ‘Burlesque’. Amazing film. TOTALLY predictable but Christina Aguilera is HOT. I’ve always had a soft spot for her, for her talent she deserves so much more success. ‘Show me how you burlesque’. Cher sung a song called ‘last of me’ which lyrically just tugged at my heart strings. It was so ME.
And in other news today, The Killers are back. Playing on top of a mountain Austria in April! :/ They're back. That’s enough for me until they come back for good :)
Thurs 13th Jan.
Digging out more old VHS video to convert to DVD. The video for Darren Hayes song pop!ular still makes me giggle like I've never seen it before.
Then it was off shopping to town (Enniskillen) with mum.
Spending way too much money on 'things to bring on the Darren Hayes tour' I’ve got a new rucksack, travel diary, pen and wash bag. That’s me sorted. When’s the tour again? ;) is it wrong that every time I see a top and wanna buy it I think ‘ooooh I could wear it to the Darren Hayes tour’ LOL
Leslie’s bakery. Sausage roll. Gingerbread man. They don’t make them anywhere else in the world like they do in Ireland. HEAVEN.
I Bought a few films with totty in. Paul Rudd. Where do I get me one of those? and Ashton kutcher i.e. sex on legs.
Fri 14th Jan.
Sometimes it's hard to leave Ireland and sometimes it's easier. Today was one of those hard days. :'(. On the bus up to the airport I was bored so I decided to check out twitter. I discover that apparently the star signs have changed and I'm now Taurus & Darren Hayes is now Aries. I will always be a Gemini: curious, clever, scatterbrained, talkative.
I enjoyed the sun coming through the bus window. I could feel it. The barmy 8 degrees. Another sunset. Gorgeous.
iPod time. Obsessed with Cheryl Cole’s ‘The Flood’. A great song can paint a picture in your head. Biffy Clyro’s ‘boooom blast and ruin’. <3.>
Then it was a case of “hello 3G I've hardly seen you since I arrived in Ireland last week!”
I decided I was going to go home, get into bed, put a film on and pretend that my holiday wasn’t over. It was weird when I arrived at my front door. I looked up into the Nottingham sky and could actually see the moon and stars so clearly. It was like I’d brought a little bit of Ireland back with me. I got into bed, put ‘Killers’ on with the very cute Ashton kutcher. It was an OK movie. Ashton Kutcher was smokin’ hot but it had a totally shit storyline that went Nowhere! Gah!