Sunday, 30 January 2011

DAY 15: A picture of your favorite thing you own.


It has got to be Lenny. He’s a soft toy lion but a puppet, about an average sized teddy bear and I’ve had him since Christmas 1994. Needless to say his mane is matted to his head, his stuffing is all over the place and he isn’t such a great puppet anyone, his nose is bald and his whiskers missing but he means so much to me.

Kids you know what they are like, you buy them an expensive present and they only play with the cheap one.

It was Christmas 1994. I was 8. Santa had bought me a pink Barbie camper van. Mum and dad bought me this soft toy lion puppet that was on offer with supermarket tokens and then you paid a few pounds towards it.

I remember laying in bed that night asking dad what to call him after he'd finished reading me postman pat. Dad decided he should be called Lenny and I agreed. I still have Lenny today. I still find it hard to sleep without him, I couldn’t live without him. He’s my most treasures possession.

I did play loads with the camper van too, but it never meant as much as Lenny. I don’t know why that xmas is so vivid, I remember my cousins buying me a lion king pjammas case too. Mine was simba but I swapped it with my sis for pumbaa as she didn’t like him.

That year Santa sparked my obsession with collecting old style teddy bears. Santa brought me a gorgeous one and a 1995 teddy bear collection diary. I’ve still got all those presents from that year.

1 comment:

  1. This is a photo of my oldest stuffed animals. The brown bunny's name is Chocolate nose because his nose reminds me of chocolate.I got him for Easter one year. The yellow bear to the left is very old. It used to be my mom's when she was a kid. His hands & feet have patches because he is so old. No name for him. To the right of the bunny is Ragdy Ann. I don't remember when or where I got her but I know she is very old. Then there is Winnie the Pooh. I got him when we went to Disneyland when I was a kid. He is naked because his shirt got so old that it fell apart. The little brown guy is Totto like the dog from the wizard of OZ. I don't know what mad me call him that. The white elephant I believe I got when I was a baby. I gave him a made up name so I am not sure how it would be spelled: Elephante with the little slash over the E to make it "A". It is just something that popped in my head when I was a kid.
