Tuesday, 18 January 2011

DAY 4: 10 things you want to say to one person

10 Day Meme
DAY 1: 10 things about you
DAY 2: 10 things you love
DAY 3: 10 things you hate
DAY 4: 10 things you want to say to one person
DAY 5: 10 wishes
DAY 6: 10 items you can’t live without
DAY 7: 10 important people
DAY 8: 10 of your favourite songs
DAY 9: 10 ways to win your heart
DAY 10: Final 10 words.

OK so this person probably will know it’s about them if they read this. I don’t know if they will read it. I hope they will.


1.Thank You.
You calm me down, chill me out, without even realising it, you’ve changed me. Forever.

2. I love you more than chocolate.
I don’t need to say anymore. I don’t think I’ve ever cared about anyone as much as you. (Except family and my best friend).

3. You deserve the very best.
Please don’t settle for anything less than you deserve because you are AWESOME and deserve awesome in return.

4. Just say yes.
Why would we work? :( why don’t you see the beauty in the world the way I do? That frustrates me.

6. I wish I hadn’t left it a whole year to let you into my life properly.
I was running scared. But you opened my eyes to love. And to accept love. But you always made my heart do cartwheels.

7. You make me feel like I’m the nicest person alive.
All I do is be there. It's all I can do.

8. You are SOOOO like me.
All about the lyrics. All about the simple things in life. All about being a big kid.

9. I want a kiss ;)

5. I miss you.
Like insane amounts. I think of you every single day. I miss you where you’re gone. You are so much fun. I wish we lived closer. Like across the street.

10. You mess my head up.
I need to get over you. I wish I could forget you. It hurts to much to keep holding on. But I can’t let go.


1 comment:

  1. 1) Thanks
    For listening to me vent about things and for being like a sister to me

    2) What happened?
    What happened to you in your life that has caused you to feel so bad about yourself?

    3) Why
    Why won't you just take my hand and let me help you get through the pain?

    4) You deserve a better life
    To be happy. It's never to late

    5) I know
    You are scared, don't think you can do it. I know exactly what you are feeling

    6) Please stop
    Letting your family run your life and keep treating you like crap. You are worth more than that.

    7) I know you can do it
    Just tell them you've had enough. You don't need money. Don't feel like you're a burden or anything cause you're not. It's very hard but you can do this

    8) You can't change them
    You can't change how they are but you can put a stop to how they treat you

    9) I hate seeing you like this
    I know you are not happy no matter what you say (it shows and no one should live like that). You do have a way out, just say the word. Do this for yourself

    10) Move
    Please let me move you out here and take you away from all the negative crap. I will help you get your life together.
