Friday, 21 January 2011

DAY 6: A picture of you on your favorite vacation


Bristol. 11/12 Feb 2008.

My favourite holidays were when I went to the south of france when i was 12 and paris when I was 14. Although seeing as I don't have any pictures of them my computer, this one from Bristol will do. It was just for 2 days to see Darren Hayes but I met some amazing people and I remember being truly happy in the sunshine that day.


  1. It is so hard to have a favorite anything. I couldn't decide what pics to share so I have 2. One is of Muir Woods. I've been there twice & love it each time. It's so peaceful (except for the really big hikes) and beautiful.

    The 2nd pic is of me and a Klingon from Star Trek in Las Vegas at the Star Trek experience. Can't wait to go back there again.

    I've also been to Disneyland a few times & love it there. Universal Studios Hollywood is another awesome place. :-)

  2. lovely pics. muir is my surname!! :O
