Tuesday, 25 January 2011

My The Feeling Story.

This is my story of my time as a fan of the band 'The Feeling'.

On the 19 June 2006 my life changed. I downloaded sewn by The Feeling from iTunes. Well it wasn’t until just before xmas of 2006 that my passion really took off. I was in the student union for the xmas leaving do and this song called love it when you call came on. I didn’t know much about the song or the band, but I knew right then that this song has something. In all my drunken, jumping up and down, glory. It grabbed me. It made me FEEL.

I managed to get hold of a cheeky free copy of twelve stops and home before I flew back to Ireland for xmas. I got stuck at the bus station for 3 hrs on a Sunday with nothing to do. So I hit play. When it ended I hit play again. And a third time. I immediately asked for the album as a last minute xmas present.

Come xmas, I remember playing my ps2, and listening to twelve stops and home non stop on the CD player. Few albums can I stay I don’t hate a single song on. There isn’t one ‘skip’ track. I became obsessed with ‘strange’ and ‘rose’. The minute I got back to Nottingham from Ireland I downloaded every single b-side and live version from iTunes. I was SOLD.

Months passed and I kept up with the band via their website and discovered soon there was to be a second album. A small tour would kick the ball rolling. I knew I HAD to be there.

I was incredibly sick at that first show I seen in March 2008. I had a cough from hell, I felt like death warmed up, but I was front row. And the band mesmerised me that night. I fell in love with ‘we can dance’. Its SOO me.


God knows how I won tickets to the iTunes festival and off I went to KOKO. It was a dream of mine since I watched them sing helicopter on the album chart show at koko. Stood on the balcony, I partied. After the show I waited and waited until I almost wouldn’t make my train, managed to say a quick hello to Dan and legged it down the street to the tube. He must have thought I was mental.


Soon I was plotting how I could get to clumber park to see them play. I knew I had to work the next morning but had it all worked out with a STUPID early train. Little did I know it was the middle of nowhere. I was blessed to make some amazing friends that night. I was very lucky to meet Dan too. A random conversation followed. It seemed to make it all worth it.

Then it was time for the TOUR. Yes I said TOUR.


I done three nights, London, Manchester and derby. My favourite had to be second row at Manchester. It was just an amazing crowd, the atmosphere was ELECTRIC. Amazing memories. Especially meeting Dan outside Manchester in the pouring rain, taking a pic with me and then saying ‘look I was smiling and everything’. <3.





It was a long time from the end of that tour in 2008, until I would see the boys again. May 2010 to be precise. It had been too long. I felt honoured that the friends I made 18 months before that still cared. The feeling’s fan base is brilliant.

That night in May 2010, it was a showcase at a bar where they started out, water rats. The new songs just stole my heart. It seemed to be strange to be so close in such a small venue. ‘Say no’ is possibly one of the best songs they’ve ever written.


After the show I managed to get a quick hello with everyone but Ciaran. It was a wow moment because before that, the only one I had ever met was Dan. It was a wow moment to get four signatures on my twelve stops and home CD. I just couldn’t believe it.




Here I am. Thank you friends. I’m excited for the new album. BRING. IT. ON.

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